Some thoughts on 2021 Part 3

 Continued from Part 2

    So, I believe what might happen in 2021 is that the impulse of the Seventh Post-Atlantean Epoch will come into play.  Things will be strange because we will have impulses from three epochs at work on the earth at once, kind of like a triple conjunction of planets.  I also believe that the impulse of the Seventh Epoch will be stronger and more severe than that of the Sixth and Fifth.  One way I try to imagine this is the scene in C.S. Lewis's That Hideous Strength where Merlin is accepting the planetary spirits into himself.  In this novel, the planetary spirits of Saturn and Jupiter are stronger than those of Mercury, Venus, and Mars and but rather than overpowering the lesser qualities, they join with them: 

"Ransom greeted his guests [the planetary spirits] in the tongue of Heaven.  But he warned Merlin that now the time was coming when he must play the man.  The three gods who had already met in the Blue Room were less unlike humanity than the two whom they still awaited.  


Yet Lurga [Saturn] in that room was overmatched.  Suddenly a greater spirit came - one whose influence tempered and almost transformed to his own quality the skill of leaping Mercury, the clearness of Mars, the subtler vibration of Venus, and even the numbing weight of Saturn."

    So, what should we do?  Well, first of all, keep doing anything good.  As Paul said in Philippians 8: 

"whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things." 

    Also, recognize that the supernatural is real.  The most hopeful thing about Steiner's philosophy is that even though we have moved away from the spiritual - there is a way back up.  External circumstances may hinder us in this, but it is available.  

     If we have the chance to do something that we have discerned is good, do not be put off by its strangeness.  

Meditate on what is good and powerful, like the guardian angel of Earth.

Part 3

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